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Network Services

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Network Services

Network Services



Your business and your operations are unique.  We understand that no two networks are the same, and that your business needs to know that your network is fully supported.


  • How quickly can you open the files you work on?
    If you’re wasting time waiting for files to open, then something is wrong.  This could be something as simple as being plugged into the wrong network port, or it could be a sign that your whole network needs to be checked.  We can help you assess the issue, and provide the most cost-effective solution.


  • Who can access what?
    Are you certain that only HR can access HR data?  Can you guarantee that only Accounts are able to see those spreadsheets?  If your business has grown quickly, it can be difficult to keep track of network security.  We can help you understand who has access to what, give you back control, and maintain that access.


  • Do you have enough storage space to grow?
    We are all producing more and more data, and we need somewhere to store it.  As we send and receive more emails, with more attachments, we need somewhere to store them that won’t hinder our productivity.  If you’re finding your business grappling with questions around storage and access, we can help you assess the best hardware and software solutions on the market, and select solutions tailored to your business needs.


  • How do you share files with colleagues?
    If it’s by email, then you are going to encounter problems.  Every time you email that file to an internal colleague, you double the amount of space you need to save that data.  Even if you’re in different locations, you need to be able to quickly and securely share files with your colleagues, without clogging your inbox.


We will work with you to map out your file sharing needs, and find a solution that is fast and easy, without growing your storage solutions exponentially.

File Security